Consider No One Knows the Day of the Hour

| Friday, November 11, 2011 | |
Do you remember a while back on the news there was a preacher who claimed he knew when Jesus was coming back? He made every Christian on the planet look like a Bozo. I’m not gonna go into detail about it right now, but it says right in the book of Matthew, “No one knows the day or the hour”. So please please please fellow Christians, don’t pay any attention to the calendar when it comes to predicting the exact day of the Lord’s return. One thing I can tell you for sure is one day the Lord will judge all evil and put an end to man’s evil reign on the earth to reestablish His perfect kingdom.

Do you ever get sick and tired of evil and endless wars? When the Messiah returns, He will do away with all man’s evildoings and destroy the works of the devil. I’m not trying to doom anybody, but all wrongdoing must be dealt with. People who break the law, according to the law, must be punished. And this helps to protect law-abiding people from being hurt. But sometime in the future God is going to do something permanent so evil can never reign again.

Let me show you some awesome scriptures I found this week:

You’ll have to click on the links below to read the full scriptures. Revelation 14 is in a different translation, New Living Translation, because it’s easier to understand.

Habakkuk 1 (read, listen)
Habakkuk 2 (read, listen)

Revelation 14 (read NLT)
Revelation 15 (read, listen)

So consider the day and hour you live in.


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